On November 22nd 2018, the WANO-MC Regional Crisis Center was involved in the joint emergency exercises at the Mochovce nuclear power plant (“Slovenské Elektrárne” a.s., Slovakia)
On November 14th, 15th 2018, the WANO-MC Regional Crisis Center was involved in the joint emergency exercises at the Zaporizhie nuclear power plant (State Enterprise NNEGC “Energoatom”, Ukraine)
During 26 November to 27 November 2018, in response to request of FSUE Atomflot WANO Moscow Center conducted a Member Support Mission (MSM) on the topic ‘Safety Culture’
During 19 to 23 November 2018, an international workshop organized by WANO MC jointly with Armenian NPP on the topic ‘Optimization of maintenance work performed on radioactive components’ was held in Erevan
On 16 November 2018, WANO Moscow Center conducted a competitive selection of candidates for position of category B advisor (WANO MC Representative at NPP site)
On November 12 – 16, 2018 the international training seminar “Managers in the Field”, organized by WANO Moscow Centre in cooperation with Rivne NPP, was held in Varash (Ukraine)
During 4 to 13 November 2018, WANO Moscow Center conducted a Member Support Mission (MSM) at Armenian NPP on the topic ‘Organization of radiation safety and radioactive waste management’
During 12 November to 16 November 2018 and in response to request of Beloyarsk NPP, WANO Moscow Center conducted a Member Support Mission (MSM) on the topic ‘Development and validation of operating procedures’