From November 25 to December 6, 2024, a WANO Moscow Centre team conducted observations using the CPO methodology (Crew Performance Observation) of the work of the Yakutia nuclear icebreaker central control room personnel on a full-scale simulator at the Marine Arctic Competencies Centre in the city of St. Petersburg. This observation is the first step in the pre-startup peer review.
The CPO methodology allows you to assess the knowledge and skills of operating personnel in actions in complex simulated scenarios under normal operating conditions, violations of normal operation and in emergency situations.
On behalf of FSUE Atomflot, the operating personnel of two shifts of the central control room of the nuclear icebreaker “Yakutia” acceptance crew took part under the leadership of chief mechanical engineer Dmitry Efremtsev.
This is the third observation by WANO MC in the framework of the pre-startup peer review. Before that, in 2021 the operating personnel of nuclear icebreaker «Arctica» participated in the review, and in 2022 - «Ural». Feedback is important to us, and understanding what needs to be improved in future for training 22220 Project nuclear vessels’ shift operating personnel during scenario testing both in normal operation of reactor facilities and in emergency situations. We would like to thank the CPO team for professionalism and hope that in a certain time we will meet again here, but already during the nuclear icebreaker «Chukotka» CPO - said the CMAC head Yuri Guryev at the final meeting.
Based on the conducted activity’s results, a preliminary report “CPO preliminary report. Observations of the central control room personnel work at a full scale simulator.” The WANO MC team included:
- Vladimir Yurin – team leader, Leningrad NPP;
- Roman Gridnev – team expert, Rosatom Technical Academy;
- Valery Romanov – adviser, WANO MC On-site representative at FSUE Atomflot.