From 18 to 20 June, 2024, WANO Moscow Centre conducted a support mission to JSC Atomtekhenergo on the topic “The procedure for organizing and conducting targeted self-assessments of enterprise divisions’ performance”.
WANO MC support mission team composition:
• Evgeniy Kovalev (WANO MC, Russia)
• Vadim Tarykin (WANO MC, Russia)
• Alla Ivanova (Novovoronezh NPP, Russia)
• Elena Chukhlebova (Smolensk NPP, Russia)
• Anton Chukanov (Smolensk NPP, Russia)
• Alexander Kornyushkin (Rosenergoatom, Russia).
The support mission was conducted in a training format. The experts presented their experience in organizing and conducting targeted self-assessments in presentations. The following WANO documents were observed: “Principles for Effective Self-Assessment and Corrective Action Programmes. WANO GL 2001-07", "Principles of a strong nuclear safety culture. WANO GL 2006-02" and including WANO PL 2013-1. The experience of conducting self-assessment of operational safety at Rosenergoatom nuclear power plants was observed.
Based on the support mission results, a general conclusion was formulated that self-assessment is a process of actively searching for opportunities to improve the enterprise’s performance as a whole. The WANO MC support mission team presented the results of their work to Atomtekhenergo JSC in the form of a final report.
Author: Kovalev Evgenii